A dolphin popped out of the Marijuana desert. Red eyes. Everlasting grin. Right next to Mount Kilimanjaro, the oozing lava was her visualization screen. Dolphin and the Giraffe would stare. They would hallucinate. Eyes stuck on the lava, the patterns it formed. The Giraffe started believing it were a penguin, wrapping up its legs and sliding through the desert.
The sky was falling. It was a Mirage. The stars were blue and violet. A delusional shooting star shot down with legs and hands, and a face devoid of nose. The star was made of Mayo. A tired star, mayonnaise dropping off its sleeves. Giraffe and the Dolphin were Spiral eyed, going deeper and deeper within. Eyes broad open, staring at the star. The Dolphin took a giant leap in the sky and dipped itself in the star mayonnaise. The star gently shut its legs and hands and barged into the sky. The Giraffe stared at the star. It flew away with the Dolphin. Giraffe caught one of its legs. The star zipped past the milky way. Dolphin dunked in the mayo.
A trip through the Milky way, flying over Jupiter. It had rings and active volcanoes, erupting colorful lava. The oozing lava was her visualization screen. Dolphin and the Giraffe would stare. They would hallucinate. The Giraffe believed it was an ostrich. It dipped its face in the Lava and died. Stung by a bee, it woke up. Pricked by a thorn, it grasped that everything was a Mirage. Slapped by the penguin amidst the desert, it realized it was an illusion.